Flight & Hotel Guru
Icon Flight & Hotel Guru

Flight & Hotel Guru

by flight&hotelguru

Flight and hotel booking app. Exclusive deals await on Flight & Hotel Guru.

App NameFlight & Hotel Guru
CategoryTravel & Local
Download Size4 MB
Latest Version4.0
Average Rating3.33
Rating Count8
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Screenshot Flight & Hotel Guru
Screenshot Flight & Hotel Guru
Screenshot Flight & Hotel Guru
Screenshot Flight & Hotel Guru
Welcome to Flight & Hotel Guru, your ultimate companion for seamless travel planning! Whether you're jet-setting across the globe or planning a weekend getaway, our app is your one-stop solution for booking cheap flights and hotels effortlessly.

Our algorithm pulls deals from hundreds of travel sites once - with the cheapest offers at the very top. Choose your preferred deal and book! Using our app is also really simple. Just enter your travel dates, your destination and press search. Flight & Hotel Guru is going to take care of the rest!

So, with Flight & Hotel Guru you can:

Find and book cheap airline tickets
✓ We compare flight tickets of millions of routes on hundreds of airlines, including low-cost carriers and travel agencies to find you the cheapest flight tickets with a click of a button. Once you find your flight & click select, we link you directly to the airline or travel agency to complete your flight booking.
✓ Flight & Hotel Guru finds cheap airline tickets from over 700 airlines!
✓ Search and book both domestic and international flights on all popular airlines. We are comparing airline tickets from Air Asia, Air India, Air Arabia, AirBaltic, American Airlines, Air Canada, Air France, Air Japan, British Airways, EasyJet, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Go Air, IndiGo, Qatar Airways, Qantas, Kuwait Airways, KLM, Lufthansa, Norwegian, SAS, Ryanair, Delta, Spirit, Southwest, JetBlue, United Airlines, Virgin, Thai Airlines, Singapore Airlines, SpiceJet, and more.
✓ Filters to narrow down your search. Filter flight deals by price, airlines, airport, ticket type (economy, business, first-class), departure & arrival times.
✓ With Flight & Hotel Guru you can book cheap flight tickets on-the-go, wherever you are!

Book cheap hotels
✓ Flight & Hotel Guru helps you find the cheapest hotels worldwide. We compare hotel room prices at over 50 largest hotel reservation agencies and official websites of hotels to find you the best hotel deals in a matter of seconds.
✓ Hotel booking with Flight & Hotel Guru is quick and easy: once you find your ideal hotel and click select, our app redirects you to the hotel or agency where you will securely complete your hotel booking.
✓ Book hotels with confidence. We are comparing hotel prices from such agencies as Booking.com, Hotels.com, Agoda, Trip.com, Hotellook, Expedia, SnapTravel, ZenHotels and more.
✓ Find last minute hotel deals with the “Near Me” feature.
✓ With Flight & Hotel Guru, you not only get to find cheap last minute hotel booking deals, but you also get access to incredible hotel discounts available exclusively on the app.
✓ Filter hotel search results by price, location, number of stars, payment options, in-room and in-hotel amenities and more.
✓ Find out what other guests are saying about the hotel before you book, check out thousands of guest ratings and read hundreds of detailed reviews.
✓Hotel booking with instant confirmation. Flight & Hotel Guru is your go-to cheap hotel finder app!

Reasons to plan your trip with Flight & Hotel Guru:

✓Flight & Hotel Guru is 100% free to use. We don’t take any additional charges or commission. You pay exactly the price that is displayed to you.
✓A lot of offers. Our powerful search system updates valid offers on a regular basis to make sure that we always bring you only the absolutely best offers on flight tickets and cheap hotel booking.
✓ No registration needed. All you need to do in order to use our app is to download and open it. It’s really that easy!

Go ahead and download Flight & Hotel Guru now to get cheap flight tickets and hotels at the best rates!

Recent changes:
Brand new interface. Performance improvements.

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