HomeAppsNews & MagazinesFlipHTML5 - eBook MakerApps like FlipHTML5 - eBook Maker Here are some great alternatives to FlipHTML5 - eBook Maker by WONDER IDEA : ZINIO - Magazine Newsstand ★4.4 Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers ★4.0 Magzter Library ★4.6 Pocketmags Magazine Newsstand ★4.4 PressReader: News & Magazines ★4.4 Flipsnack - Magazine Reader ★3.3 Kobo | eBooks & Audiobooks ★3.8 Libby (Beta), the Library App ★4.4 Libby, the Library App ★4.8 Digitalbook: audiobooks eBooks ★4.3 B&N NOOK App for NOOK Devices ★4.6 Barnes & Noble NOOK ★4.5 Readwhere - News and Magazines ★4.2 Cafeyn - News & Magazines ★4.0 Kopykitab eReader & Test Prep ★3.8 Media365 - eBooks ★3.6