Fly With Greg
Icon Fly With Greg

Fly With Greg

by Greg Hamerton

Transform your paragliding and learn game-changing safety skills

App NameFly With Greg
DeveloperGreg Hamerton
Download Size20 MB
Latest Version3.20.2
Average Rating5.00
Rating Count42
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Screenshot Fly With Greg
Screenshot Fly With Greg
Screenshot Fly With Greg
Browse the catalogue, stream free paragliding videos, or sign-in to your Fly With Greg account to access the academy features:

As a member you get ongoing guidance, instruction and discussion, to complement your flight school training and help you become an advanced pilot.

Access over 150 hours of the latest lessons, livestreams, technical analysis and paragliding podcasts that you won't find anywhere else.

Ask questions directly in the private chatroom. Greg is an independent Chief Instructor with 30 years of experience.

It's easy to become a good paraglider pilot when you have the right examples to watch. See the best practices in action and learn why they work, so you can develop safe habits.

Surround yourself with a friendly community of informed pilots who can help you fly!

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