HomeAppsHealth & FitnessFood4MoodApps like Food4Mood Here are some great alternatives to Food4Mood by DietSensor : MoodTools - Depression Aid ★4.1 All Mediterranean Diet Recipes ★4.7 Intermittent Fasting - Fastie ★4.5 DayTwo ★3.3 Hava ★3.8 NutriTracker & Calorie Counter ★3.7 PCOS & PCOD Diet Plan Recipes ★3.7 Shape: Healthy Eating Journal ★4.6 Paleo diet app: Diet tracker ★3.9 Food 4 Your Blood Type ★4.2 ShopWell - Better Food Choices ★3.4 Suggestic - Precision Eating ★4.0 BlueWatch | eat and achieve ★3.3 Inflammi ★4.0 Calorie Counter・Planner・DietAI ★4.5 Anti Inflammatory Diet Recipes ★4.5