HomeAppsMedicalFracturesApps like Fractures Here are some great alternatives to Fractures by Tom Fadial : Orthopaedic Classification ★4.2 STIM onTrack ™ App ★4.3 Fracture Classification (FC) ★3.7 AO Surgery Reference ★4.3 Ortho Traumapedia ★5.0 IBJI Access ★3.4 Foot Hospital Doctor Games ★3.6 myAO - Surgical Network ★4.6 The Orthopaedic Doctor ★4.1 Hurt! ★3.6 Nail foot toe doctor surgery ★4.7 GOES Health: Outdoor First Aid ★3.2 Harrison's Manual of Medicine ★4.2 Running Trainer: Exakt Health ★4.5 Survival Manual ★3.7 Recover Athletics ★4.6