HomeGamesBoardGaia ProjectGames like Gaia Project Here are some great alternatives to Gaia Project by DIGIDICED : Gaia Mission ★4.4 Gaia Survivor ★3.7 Gaia: Streaming Consciousness ★4.6 Gaia Odyssey ★4.0 Terraforming Mars ★3.9 A Planet of Mine ★3.8 Pixel Starships™ ★4.5 Idle Galaxy Miner ★4.4 Terra Station ★3.4 Galaxy Reborn: Second Empire ★4.3 Galactic Colonies ★3.9 Galaxy Clash: Evolved Empire ★3.3 Game Planet -StartGameUniverse ★3.3 Terraria ★4.6 GnollHack ★4.8 Helldivers 2 Orders ★4.7