HomeGamesStrategyGalaxy WarsGames like Galaxy Wars Here are some great alternatives to Galaxy Wars by Galaxy Wars : Stellaris: Galaxy Command ★4.2 Star War ★4.2 Galaxy Fight: Aircraft Shooter ★4.5 Galaxy Attack: Shooting Game ★4.7 Astro Wars ★4.7 Space Shooter - Galaxy Attack ★4.7 Beyond the Chiron Gate ★4.5 Galaxy Wing ★4.0 Galaxy Keeper: Space Shooter ★4.2 Galaxy Reborn: Second Empire ★4.3 Galaxy Battleship ★3.3 Galaxy Attack (Premium) ★4.3 Galaxy Wars - Ice Empire ★4.3 Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack ★4.5 Galaxy Trader - Space RPG ★4.6 Galaxy Clash: Evolved Empire ★3.3