HomeAppsDatingGentley: Modern DatingApps like Gentley: Modern Dating Here are some great alternatives to Gentley: Modern Dating by Adriatic Development Corporation : TalkMate - Make new friends ★3.7 HapEnd: Dating, Love & Fun ★4.3 my trubond ★3.6 PriveTalk Real Online Dating ★3.9 Date To Marry ★4.3 HoneyPages ★3.9 Rater ★3.9 Dimmed - Gay chat ★4.1 Purebond - Fun chat & dating ★4.5 JOYCE Adult Dating & Flirts ★4.1 Lesbian Chat - Dating App ★4.1 Honey Dating App: Match & Date ★3.4 Blissbond:Fun Chat and Dating ★3.5 BlackAndBeauties ★3.8 Fast-Forward Dating App (FFWD) ★3.3 Chyrpe Dating: Match & Love ★3.4