HomeGamesTriviaGeoQuizGames like GeoQuiz Here are some great alternatives to GeoQuiz by StarDash : Flags of All Countries ★3.9 Flag Quiz Gallery: Quiz, Guess ★4.4 World Flags: Guess the Country ★4.6 Flag Quiz - Flags of the world ★4.5 Geo Flags Academy ★4.5 Flag Quiz ★4.0 Flag Builder Game ★4.5 Flags of the countries - Quiz ★3.7 Flags Quiz - World Countries ★4.1 Flag quiz - Country flags ★4.2 Country Flags: Geography Quiz ★4.3 Flags On the Globe ★3.8 Geography quiz world countries ★3.8 Flags ★4.5 Flags Quiz - Guess The Flag ★4.8 Guess the Country: World Quiz ★3.9