HomeAppsLifestyleGhostEye LITEApps like GhostEye LITE Here are some great alternatives to GhostEye LITE by WorldByDesign : Motion Detector Pro ★3.8 Real Ghost Detector + Radar ★4.2 Ghost Detector Radar Simulator ★4.1 CareCam ★3.3 SureVision ★4.2 Camera Motion Alarm ★4.0 Security Camera CZ ★4.2 Ghost detector - Chat to Ghost ★3.2 SLS - Spirit Box ★3.7 wear os camera ★3.9 Ghost detector Pro offline ★3.4 AtHome Video Streamer-turn pho ★3.9 Lexis Cam, Home security app ★4.4 Ghost Detector Real Life Radar ★4.3 Security Camera App ★3.7 Paranormal beings camera prank ★4.3