HomeAppsLifestyleGroove LifeApps like Groove Life Here are some great alternatives to Groove Life by Groove Life : Groove Radio ★4.6 SBL Groove Trainer ★4.8 Body Groove ★4.2 Groove 106 ★4.8 Groove Journey ★3.7 Groove On-Demand ★4.3 Groove Masters - DJ Drum Pad ★4.1 Guidefitter ★4.9 Electro Drum Groove: Music ★4.0 Drumeo Kids ★4.1 The Jazz Groove ★4.4 Groove Coaster 2 ★3.5 ELOH ★4.4 Visit Gatlinburg, Tennessee ★3.8 Drum School ★4.4 Drumgenius ★4.3