HomeAppsCommunicationGroupEmailApps like GroupEmail Here are some great alternatives to GroupEmail by Smallbouldering Projects : Microsoft Outlook Lite: Email ★4.3 BT Email ★4.0 Appyhigh Mail: All Email App ★4.4 InstAddr ★4.4 Mail Merge Lite ★3.8 Email Pro - All Email ★4.4 Contacts plus ★4.5 Mad Contact Groups ★3.9 Quick Email Checker - Email Va ★3.7 TypeApp mail - email app ★4.3 Finder By 500apps ★3.7 SecureMyEmail Encrypted Email ★3.7 Email Messenger ★4.4 Universal Email App ★3.6 Virtual Mail - temp multi mail ★4.6 EmailMe - Fast Email to Self ★3.7