HomeAppsToolsGS-911 Bluetooth LegacyApps like GS-911 Bluetooth Legacy Here are some great alternatives to GS-911 Bluetooth Legacy by HEX Innovate : bimmer-tool ★4.0 MotoScan for BMW Motorcycles ★3.6 bimmer-tool Lite ★4.4 Tor OBD2 Diagnostics ★4.4 ProTool ★4.4 Mini OBDII ★3.3 MotoristaDx ★5.0 TopScan ★3.7 DtcFix OBD2 Fault Diagnostic ★3.3 OBD Home ★3.8 BimmerFlasher ★4.8 eXtratool for BMW and ELM327 ★3.3 EcmDroid ★4.5 Rasther Android ★4.0 WIN-911 Mobile ★3.2 BlueDriver OBD2 Scan Tool ★4.6