HomeGamesAdventureHaunted funeral homeGames like Haunted funeral home Here are some great alternatives to Haunted funeral home by Sysreb games : Funeral Parlor ★4.4 Scary Doll in Haunted House ★3.7 Demon Hunter 3 (Full) ★4.4 Hidden Escape: Horror Mystery ★3.9 Demon Hunter (Full) ★4.5 Scary Pink Lady Granny ★3.7 blocky Grandma mod chapter one ★3.6 Tom Granny & Grandpa Jerry mod ★4.6 Halloween Stories 2・Black Book ★3.9 Cursed Emily:great horror game ★4.3 Night Survival in Granny House ★3.9 Zombie Granny Evil House Scary ★3.3 Stepmother Escape Horror 3D ★3.6 Scary Haunted Hospital Morgue ★3.5 Nurse Horror: Scary Games ★4.1 The Bathrooms Horror Game ★3.7