HomeAppsLifestyleHeartland Christian CenterApps like Heartland Christian Center Here are some great alternatives to Heartland Christian Center by Heartland Christian Center : Heartland Community Church App ★4.9 The Christian Center ★4.9 Faith Christian Center ★4.9 Koinonia Christian Center ★4.9 The Heartland Church ★5.0 Heartland Church ★4.7 Clover Road Christian Church ★5.0 onlineCFC ★4.9 Heartland Church Normal ★4.4 Heartland Church Paducah ★5.0 The Worship Center ★5.0 Center Point Naples ★4.1 North Heartland Comm Church ★5.0 Amarillo Central ★5.0 901 Church ★5.0 Life Center ★4.3