HomeAppsEducationHebrew Psalms ReaderApps like Hebrew Psalms Reader Here are some great alternatives to Hebrew Psalms Reader by Torah Educational Software, Inc. : Book of Psalms ★4.7 Tehilim תהלים Tehillim Psalms ★4.0 The Book Of Psalms - Audiobook ★4.7 Hebrew Bible Study Translation ★4.8 Psalms for Worship ★4.8 DoItInHebrew Hebrew Translator ★4.2 Psalm 4 That Tehillim App ★5.0 Hebrew Gospels ★4.8 Biblical Hebrew Readers ★4.7 Hebrew Bible ★4.6 Read It In Hebrew ★3.3 Hebrew Audio Holy Bible TANAKH ★4.1 Hebrew Bible ★4.0 Introduction to Hebrew Vocab ( ★4.6 Hebrew To English Translator ★4.1 Hebrew Perfect! ★4.6