HomeGamesStrategyHextrategoGames like Hextratego Here are some great alternatives to Hextratego by Friobit Soft : The Battle of Polytopia ★4.4 Battle for Hexagon ★3.5 Cell Wars ★4.4 Cell Wars Lite ★3.8 Lines of Battle ★4.6 Age of Modern Wars ★4.8 Domination Dynasty: Turn-Based ★4.2 Hexawar ★3.6 UniWar ★4.1 Hex Warriors - Turn based game ★3.3 Forward Line ★4.0 Warmasters: Turn-Based RPG ★3.6 Hit The Plane - bluetooth game ★4.2 Landrule Strategy vs Risk ★3.8 Wars and Battles ★3.4 TicTacToe ★3.5