HomeAppsEducationHistologyApps like Histology Here are some great alternatives to Histology by Matt Education : AnatLab Histology ★4.5 Ehistolab - Histology Slides ★4.1 HistoGrams⁺ ★4.4 MedNotes -For Medical Students ★4.6 Medical Dictionary ★4.6 BIOLOGY E THEORIES ★4.9 Sociology ★4.3 Concepts of Biology ★4.2 Anatomy & Physiology ★4.4 Human Anatomy Quiz ★4.7 Molecular Methods ★4.7 Rubin's Pathology: USMLE Q&A ★4.7 Life Science Quiz ★5.0 Book of Science ★3.9 Biology Quiz Test Trivia Game ★4.4 Linguistics, Study of language ★4.5