HomeAppsEducationHKTE Smart SchoolApps like HKTE Smart School Here are some great alternatives to HKTE Smart School by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Ltd : eClass Parent App ★4.0 mySkoolApp ★5.0 School Diary ★3.7 Campusdean Parent's App ★5.0 AES App School ★3.3 School Stream ★4.3 The Doon Valley Public School ★4.4 Abington Avenue School ★4.6 Bidyaaly - Parent Teacher Comm ★4.4 Mastery Charter ★4.8 Tree House High School ★4.3 SchoolCues ★3.7 Hello Parent - School App, Mes ★4.0 SCHOOL PARENT APP ★4.2 Cloud9 School App ★4.8 School Gateway ★3.8