HomeAppsEducationHolyWave MinistryApps like HolyWave Ministry Here are some great alternatives to HolyWave Ministry by Sa-Rang Community Church of Southern California : Focal Point Radio Ministries ★4.8 Solomon Temple Ministries ★5.0 Faith Bible ★4.8 Blackaby Ministries Int ★4.5 Fellowship of Purpose Church ★4.9 Speaking Spirit Ministries ★4.4 The Shoreline Church App ★5.0 Faithbridge ★4.7 Beachcities Community Church ★4.8 ADVANCE: VCBC Church App ★5.0 The Power of Faith Ministries ★5.0 New Wine Ministries ★4.3 The Church App ★4.5 Christ the King Baptist Church ★4.9 TEHILLAH CHURCH ★5.0 First Church, OK ★5.0