HomeAppsEducationHubble Space Telescope VRApps like Hubble Space Telescope VR Here are some great alternatives to Hubble Space Telescope VR by SUNRISE VR : Hubble Space Telescope ★4.3 Discover with Hubble Space Tel ★3.2 NASA ★4.2 Mars 3D Live Wallpaper ★4.7 VR Space Virtual Reality 360 ★4.1 VR Space Game ★4.5 Popar Planets ★5.0 MEL VR Science Simulations ★3.7 VR Galaxy Wars - Space Journey ★4.2 VR Space Stalker ★3.3 AR Solar System ★4.4 Space Marine Boot Camp VR ★3.9 VR Experience ★4.3 EON-XR ★4.2 VR Moon 360 Virtual Reality ★3.7 Solar System Scope VR ★4.1