HomeGamesEducationalHuman Heroes Einstein On TimeGames like Human Heroes Einstein On Time Here are some great alternatives to Human Heroes Einstein On Time by Human Heroes Ltd : Einstein's secret book ★3.7 Baby Einstein: Storytime ★3.8 Einstein's Zebra ★4.2 Daily Einstein's Riddle ★3.8 Super Brain Games ★4.0 Galaxy Kids - Learning English ★3.7 Telling Time Academy ★4.2 Yeti Confetti Kids ★4.1 Flik Flak - Adventure of Time ★3.3 ABC Planet ★3.8 SMARTY ★3.2 Numbers for kids 1 to 10 Math ★4.5 Droplets Kid Language Learning ★4.6 Speak Out Kids ★4.2 MarcoPolo World School ★3.8 Ben and Bella - Games ★4.3