HomeAppsHealth & FitnessiEatBetter: Food DiaryApps like iEatBetter: Food Diary Here are some great alternatives to iEatBetter: Food Diary by My Daily Bits LLC : AI Nutrition Tracker ★4.5 Healthy Eating Recipes ★4.0 Calorie Counter by fatsecret ★4.5 Calorie counter & Food tracker ★4.1 Calorie & Food Tracker: Fastie ★4.6 Food Diary See How You Eat App ★3.5 spoonacular food companion ★3.9 Food Calories Chart ★4.5 Diet, Fasting, Calorie Counter ★3.4 Food Diary ★4.3 MyRealFood: Diet and recipes ★4.0 Cheap Food Recipes App ★4.0 Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker ★4.4 Calorie Counter App: Fooducate ★4.1 Clean-Eating Recipes - Grocery ★4.7 Health Nutrition Tracker ★4.3