HomeAppsMedicalImmunisation HandbookApps like Immunisation Handbook Here are some great alternatives to Immunisation Handbook by Australian Department of Health : The Vaccine Handbook App ★4.4 Skyscape Medical Library ★4.3 Prevention ★3.8 Eye Handbook ★4.2 PC Health ★4.0 Vaccines Guide ★4.6 myVax ★3.6 CDC Vaccine Schedules ★3.7 Aruba Health App ★3.3 IDSA Practice Guidelines ★4.2 My Vaccinations Vaccine Record ★3.7 Vaccination Schedule ★5.0 Vaccines on the Go ★3.3 MicroGuide ★3.6 PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor ★4.3 CANImmunize ★3.3