Incident Responder
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Incident Responder

by Fred Ehnow

A communication tool for first responders.

App NameIncident Responder
DeveloperFred Ehnow
Download Size24 MB
Latest Version2.8.2
Average Rating5.00
Rating Count6
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Screenshot Incident Responder
Screenshot Incident Responder
Screenshot Incident Responder
Screenshot Incident Responder
The target audience for Incident Responder are first responders who are part of a municipal agency such as a volunteer fire department or ambulance. It requires that the agency is already set up with a CAD (computer-aided dispatch) system. In order to use the app, the agency needs to have their CAD pages forwarded to an email address assigned for use by Incident Responder. Contact the developer to set this up, or to get information on how to log in with credentials for a test account in order to explore app functionality.

When a new incident is dispatched via CAD, it will show up nearly immediately in the app, and first responders can set their response (En Route, Available, Unavailable), along with response time and station. This allows fellow responders to quickly see who is responding to an incident and when they will be there.

There is no charge to use the app. At this time the app is primarily for use by agencies within Mendocino County, CA. Contact the developer to discuss using it outside of that area (limited to within the USA at this time). User accounts are created only by an admin for each agency. Within a specific agency, the list of incidents, responders and responses to each incident will only be accessible by other members of that agency, they cannot see data for other agencies.

NOTE: Incident Responder should NOT be used as the primary means for first responder incident notification, as there is no guarantee that it will receive data for each incident, or that individual incident data will be complete.

Recent changes:
* Implement new concept of a "shared resource department", which allows a single user to set responses for multiple shared resources across a county (or other entity), that includes multiple departments.
* Misc fixes and UI tweaks.

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