HomeGamesStrategyInfinity EmpiresGames like Infinity Empires Here are some great alternatives to Infinity Empires by i-Fun Games : Infinity Kingdom ★4.3 Land of Empires: Dice Hero ★4.4 Land of Empires: Immortal ★4.5 Age of Revenge: Turn Based RPG ★4.3 Rebirth of Empire ★4.7 Gun Run: Realm of Devils RPG ★4.7 Silmaris ★4.4 Survivor Kingdoms ★4.2 Vampire Rising: Magic Arena ★4.3 Seasons of War ★4.2 Kingdom Warriors ★3.8 Arkheim – Realms at War: RTS ★4.3 Garena Undawn ★4.4 Lords of Infinity ★4.5 Rise of the Kings ★4.3 Empire:Rome Rising ★3.8