HomeAppsLifestyleIsland Pacific RewardApps like Island Pacific Reward Here are some great alternatives to Island Pacific Reward by Island Pacific Market : Houston Food Town ★4.2 AppCard-Buy. Earn. Redeem. ★4.1 Supermercado Thriftway ★4.2 Kent's Market ★3.9 Reynold's Market ★3.8 GIANT ★4.3 Claiborne Hill Rewards ★4.4 Claiborne's Thriftway ★4.8 Farmer’s Country Market ★4.2 Stop & Shop ★4.4 Peterson's Fresh Market ★3.8 Market Fresh PNW Rewards ★4.0 ShopRite: Groceries & Savings ★4.6 Good To Go & My Good Rewards ★4.4 Food World Grocery Stores ★4.9 All Access Rewards! ★3.9