HomeAppsEducationJapanese Conjugation CityApps like Japanese Conjugation City Here are some great alternatives to Japanese Conjugation City by Stoic Knight : GENKI Conjugation Cards ★3.6 Jsho - Japanese Dictionary ★4.6 Korean dictionary & translator ★4.8 Hanji - Korean conjugations a ★4.9 Conjuu - Italian Conjugation ★4.7 Conjuu - Spanish Conjugation ★4.9 French Conjugation ★5.0 Conjuu - French Conjugation ★4.6 Japanese Dictionary Takoboto ★4.7 Spanish Verbs Conjugation ★4.6 Italian verbs conjugator ★4.5 Italian conjugation ★4.8 English Conjugation ★4.4 CJKI Arabic Verb Conjugator ★4.3 The Conjugator ★4.4 English conjugation ★4.7