HomeGamesCasualKill MosquitoGames like Kill Mosquito Here are some great alternatives to Kill Mosquito by CoCoPaPa Soft : Mosquito.io ★4.4 Mosquito Killer ★3.6 MosKill ★4.0 Mosquito Game: Robots Game ★4.5 Moshquito! ★4.3 Fight the Bite ★5.0 Mosquito Sound ★3.7 Mosquito: Sounds & Ringtones ★3.4 Insects Prank ★3.7 Annoying Sounds ★4.0 PopStar Block Puzzle kill time ★4.6 Ant Smasher - Kill Them All ★4.3 Insect smasher. Bug smash ants ★3.3 ZOOKEEPER DX TouchEdition ★4.1 Ball Action ★4.2 KillCockroach ★4.8