HomeAppsMedicalKizer PharmacyApps like Kizer Pharmacy Here are some great alternatives to Kizer Pharmacy by Computer Rx : Publix Pharmacy ★4.7 Medicap Pharmacy ★4.8 RefillPro ★4.0 Pharmax Pharmacy ★4.7 Madison Avenue Pharmacy ★4.8 Sloan's Pharmacy ★4.6 Adams Cumberland Pharmacy ★4.3 Athens Pharmacy ★5.0 Live+Well Pharmacy ★4.5 Phipps Pharmacy ★4.9 Nola Discount Pharmacy ★4.6 Brewerton Pharmacy ★4.8 Lindburg Pharmacies ★3.2 Nords Pharmacy And Gifts ★4.8 Kaup Pharmacy ★4.6 Scott Pharmacy ★5.0