HomeGamesRole PlayingLegendary AdventureGames like Legendary Adventure Here are some great alternatives to Legendary Adventure by Cantalooza Games LLC : Card Quest ★3.9 Jobmania - Eternal Dungeon ★4.4 Dungeon Hero - Tiny Roguelike ★4.8 Rogue Depths ★3.7 Duskfall: turn based RPG ★4.7 Doomfields ★4.4 Rogue Dungeons: Loot & Legends ★4.6 Dungeon Clawler ★4.8 Path of Adventure ★4.3 Crossroads: Roguelike RPG ★3.6 Dungeon: Age of Heroes ★4.4 Labyrinth Legend ★4.6 bit Dungeon III ★4.2 Final Clash: Dungeon Adventure ★3.4 Dungeon Tales: RPG Card Game ★4.0 Quest of Dungeons ★4.3