HomeAppsEntertainmentLightsaber Sword SimulatorApps like Lightsaber Sword Simulator Here are some great alternatives to Lightsaber Sword Simulator by Just4Fun Playground : Guns and swords simulator ★4.4 Lightsaber Simulator Laser Gun ★4.7 Laser saber and gun simulator ★4.8 Lightsaber Simulator Duel Wars ★4.8 Virtual Laser Weapons ★4.6 Multi Weapon Simulator ★4.8 Power Lightsabers Simulator ★3.6 Lightsword simulator ★4.2 Gun & Bomb Sounds Simulator ★4.4 Laser Light Extra (Simulator) ★3.4 Medieval sword simulator ★4.5 Star Slicer-Saber of the Light ★4.0 Gun Simulator & Lightsaber ★4.7 Jedi Ligthsaber Simulator ★4.7 Gun Sounds and Lightsaber ★4.3 LightSaber simulator ★3.7