HomeAppsCommunicationLinkedmeApps like Linkedme Here are some great alternatives to Linkedme by Online Asset Co.,Ltd : Address Book and Contacts Pro ★3.4 BookChelin - korean book ★4.7 Address Book Pro ★3.6 Government Directory ★4.9 CircleBack - Contact Manager ★3.3 Address Book ★3.8 Simple Contacts ★4.5 Contacts Sync (requires ROOT) ★4.5 Contacts ★4.3 Contacts app for Android ★4.6 Contacts ★4.1 Contacts ★3.9 BookLal - Buy/Sell Used Books ★3.2 ContactsTask ★3.9 Sunshine Contacts ★4.6 Contacts VCF — Backup & Share ★3.8