HomeGamesActionLiquid WarsGames like Liquid Wars Here are some great alternatives to Liquid Wars by Der_Googler : Petit Wars ★4.3 Archaic: Tank Warfare ★4.1 Furious Tank: War of Worlds ★4.0 Colony Wars ★3.7 Poly Tank 2 : Battle war games ★3.3 Border Siege [war & risk] ★4.1 Memes Wars ★4.2 Online Games, all game, window ★5.0 Epic Little War Game ★4.1 Battle Cry: World War Game RPG ★4.1 Code of War:Military Gun Games ★4.4 WAR! Showdown RTS PREMIUM ★4.3 All Games: All in One Games ★3.3 War of Galaxy ★3.3 1 2 3 4 Player Games - Battle ★4.7 Blocky Combat SWAT Desert War ★4.3