HomeAppsFinanceLloyds Mobile BankingApps like Lloyds Mobile Banking Here are some great alternatives to Lloyds Mobile Banking by Lloyds Banking Group PLC : BankSA Mobile Banking ★4.7 Legend Bank Mobile ★4.5 KeyPoint Credit Union Mobile ★4.9 The Farmers Bank Mobile ★4.1 Bank of Melbourne Banking ★3.8 Chase Mobile ★4.4 HarvestersCU Mobile Banking ★4.3 Southern Bank ★4.2 GCB Mobile ★4.3 ChristianFCU Banking ★4.6 Your Premier Bank Mobile ★4.4 Capital One UK ★4.4 Barclays US ★4.7 Citadel Mobile Banking ★4.8 The Co-operative Bank (NZ) ★4.0 Manasquan Bank Mobile ★4.3