Math Topical Questions+Answers
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Math Topical Questions+Answers

by samson mbugua

Get past kcse questions organized topic wise from form one to four with answers

App NameMath Topical Questions+Answers
Developersamson mbugua
Download Size24 MB
Latest Version4.0
Average Rating3.40
Rating Count584
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Screenshot Math Topical Questions+Answers
Screenshot Math Topical Questions+Answers
Screenshot Math Topical Questions+Answers
get past kcse questions for each and every topic in mathematics from form one to form two

all the past kcse questions are organized according to the topics that they belong to from form one to form two

there are also answers for each and every kcse question in each and every topic from form one to from two

bonus feature: there are working and calculations for the kcse questions provided in the topical questions provided above

topics with answers covered include

set 1

algebraic expressions

angle properties of circles

angles and plane figures

approximation and errors

approximation of area

area of a triangle

area of part of a circle

area of polygons


binominial expansion

set 2

circles cords and tangents

commercial arithmetic 2

commercial arithmetic

common logarithms

common solids

compound proportions

coordinates and graphs



equations of straight lines

set 3


formulae and variation


further logarithms

geometrical constructions

graphical methods





set 4


linear inequalities

linear motion

linear programming


longitudes and latitudes

mass weight and density

matrices and transformations


measures of central tendency

set 5


quadratic equations

quadratic expressions and equation 2

rates ratio and proportions


reflection and congruence

representation of data

scale drawing two

scale drawing

sequence and series

set 6

similarities and enlargement

squares and square roots 2

statistics ii


surface area of solids

the pythagoras theorem

the trigometric ratio 1

three dimensional geometry


trigonometry 2

set 7

trigonometric ratios 2

trigonometrric ratios 3

vectors 2


volume and capacity

volume of solids

all these kcse questions have answers with workings

mathematics made fun and easy

Recent changes:
Get past kcse questions organized topically

The kcse questions that have been organized from form one to form four with answers

There are workings to show solutions to past kcse questions given above

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