HomeAppsToolsMC-CollectionsApps like MC-Collections Here are some great alternatives to MC-Collections by Mobile Collections : Recollector App ★5.0 Bookshelf-Your virtual library ★4.7 Book Butler ★5.0 iCollect Music: Vinyl Discogs ★3.9 MyCollections ★4.5 iCollect Comic Books ★4.0 iCollect Movies: DVD Tracker ★3.9 Readerware (Books) ★4.3 SkooLib: Manage Libraries ★3.5 MyMCPL ★4.2 Stock and Inventory Online ★4.6 Coleka : Collection Tracker ★3.9 MobiDB Database - relational d ★4.0 pokedata.io ★4.7 Stock and Inventory Simple ★4.7 Golisto: Buy&Sell Collectibles ★4.2