HomeAppsFinanceMethods to Save MoneyApps like Methods to Save Money Here are some great alternatives to Methods to Save Money by Money king : Saving money ★4.4 Savings Tracker ★4.3 Money saver ★4.9 Money Goals: Savings Box ★4.0 Moneybox ★4.5 Piggy Goals: Money Saving ★4.7 UpSave – Budget Tracker ★4.0 Savings goal ★4.3 Moneybox - A simple piggy bank ★4.7 ClearMoney: Finance Tracker ★4.2 52 Weeks Money Challenge – Goa ★4.3 Piggy Bank: Savings Goal ★4.6 Money Box Savings Goal Tracker ★4.4 Simple piggy bank. Goals reach ★3.7 Achieve MoLO - Money Left Over ★4.5 Savings Goal: Piggy Bank ★4.1