HomeGamesStrategyMobile Royale - War & StrategyGames like Mobile Royale - War & Strategy Here are some great alternatives to Mobile Royale - War & Strategy by IGG.COM : Empire Clash™ - Siege Game ★3.6 Kingdom Clash - Strategy Game ★4.5 War and Magic: Kingdom Reborn ★4.3 Hex Warriors - Turn based game ★3.3 Gods and Glory: Fantasy War ★4.2 Wargard: Realm of Conquest ★4.1 Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest ★4.4 Total Battle: Tactical Wars ★4.4 GUNS UP! Mobile War Strategy ★4.1 Age of Kingdoms: Forge Empires ★4.2 State Battle Conquer Territory ★3.3 Tribal Wars ★4.3 Vikings: War of Clans PVP ★4.4 Dragon Lords: 3D strategy ★4.2 Warfare Strike:Global War ★3.4 Clash of Kings: Legacy ★3.8