HomeGamesEducationalMormon TrailGames like Mormon Trail Here are some great alternatives to Mormon Trail by Guinea Pig Games LLC : LDS Mormon Podcast Online ★4.8 LDS Music - Mormon Hymns ★4.7 Book of Mormon Heroes ★4.4 LDS Podcasts ★4.6 LDS Podcasts Deluxe ★4.5 Mormon LDS Radio Stations ★4.4 Book of Mormon Video Game ★5.0 The Book of Mormon ★4.7 The Bible and Book of Mormon ★4.8 The Bible and Book of Mormon ★4.3 Japanese LDS Quad ★4.8 ScripturePlus ★4.9 Choices of the Oregon Trail ★4.0 OG Trail - Travel to Oregon ★3.8 Climate Trail Game & eBook ★3.7 The Trail ★3.8