HomeAppsLifestyleMother Earth Living MagazineApps like Mother Earth Living Magazine Here are some great alternatives to Mother Earth Living Magazine by Ogden Publications, Inc. : Grow Garden : Kids Games ★4.5 Mother Quotes and Sayings ★4.3 The divine feminine app ★4.7 EWG's Healthy Living ★3.5 Farm Star Living ★4.0 Garden Joy: Design Game ★4.7 Mama natural - take care baby ★3.8 Mother Life Simulator Game ★4.0 Detox Me ★3.4 Vegetables Info+Care Reminders ★3.8 Sustain Program ★4.8 SHG Living | Stream TV Shows ★4.8 Upful Blends ★4.8 Fit Mother Project ★4.9 Better Homes and Gardens Aus ★4.7 Mother Mary Oracle ★4.3