HomeAppsMedicalMy Health RecordsApps like My Health Records Here are some great alternatives to My Health Records by Mohselite : Multi-Profile Medical Records ★3.3 Medical records ★3.7 Andaman7 My Health Records ★3.6 Medical Records ★4.0 Dr. Pad - Mobile EMR for Dr. ★3.6 Duly Health and Care ★4.3 Health-e ABHA PHR Health Lockr ★4.8 MyTeamCare ★3.7 Huddle Health ★4.4 Sync.MD Personal Health Record ★4.1 Driefcase ABHA, Health Records ★3.2 Dotcare for Health & Lifestyle ★3.7 HealthLy - Digital Health ★3.9 MyRXNT ★3.5 KinKeeper - Health Organizer ★4.1 DrOwl - Access Medical Records ★3.6