HomeAppsSocialMyScoutingApps like MyScouting Here are some great alternatives to MyScouting by Boy Scouts of America Official : Yardi Aspire ★5.0 ExpandShare ★3.7 Arlo Training & Event Software ★3.8 TroopWebHost ★3.8 GroupMan BJJ ★3.8 TalentLMS ★4.8 Integral - Digital Backpack ★4.1 Trainer Plus - client tracking ★3.8 My Pilot - Learning ★4.7 CrunchTime! TalentLink ★3.4 MyDailyChoice, Inc ★4.6 YB Learning Hub ★4.2 INCITE ★4.3 ClubCentral- by ForeTees ★3.5 FarmQA ★4.7 TN2: Daily Planner & Tracker ★4.6