HomeAppsSocialNeighborhood.SocialApps like Neighborhood.Social Here are some great alternatives to Neighborhood.Social by B2TCommunities : Neighborhood Church Visalia ★5.0 PG Patriot App ★5.0 Lincolnway Christian Church ★5.0 Savior Connect ★4.0 New Community Christian Church ★5.0 Christian Life - Rantoul, IL ★5.0 TruNews Mobile ★4.6 The Christian Center ★4.9 CrossExamined Community ★4.5 One Source ★4.9 PCC Lafayette, LA ★4.9 ICOC New England ★4.9 Christian Students on Campus ★5.0 North Way Pittsburgh ★4.6 Heartland Christian Center ★4.5 Get Rooted! ★4.1