HomeAppsFinanceNLB PayApps like NLB Pay Here are some great alternatives to NLB Pay by NLB d.d. : NLB Pay Crna Gora ★3.3 DH Denarnik ★3.2 BELKART PAY ★3.4 ONE wallet by Postbank ★4.5 Payluy Wallet ★3.8 BOJ PAY ★4.8 Mobilum Pay ★2.8 Jawwal Pay ★3.5 MyCard - Contactless Payment ★4.0 JawwalPay+ ★4.0 CB Card+ ★3.6 Beam ★3.7 m10 — Digital Wallet ★4.7 GoDaddy: POS & Tap to Pay ★3.7 ShiftKey Wallet ★3.4 MSP ★4.8