HomeAppsMusic & AudioNow Playing to SpotifyApps like Now Playing to Spotify Here are some great alternatives to Now Playing to Spotify by jaimeDevelopers : SpotiPlay Music Downloader ★3.4 Music Recognition - Find Songs ★4.6 PlaylistMerger 4 Spotify ★4.0 DnDify - RPG Music ★4.0 Spotify: Music and Podcasts ★4.3 Spotify Lite ★4.6 Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random ★3.3 Remotify ★4.0 Airbuds Widget - Spotify Stats ★4.2 Spotilicious: Spotify Filters ★3.9 Spotify for Artists ★3.6 Skiley ★4.7 Powerd: Music/Video Intervals ★5.0 Rockbot - Request Music ★4.1 SimpleLyrics - Lyrics Spotify ★3.7 Samsung Music ★3.9