HomeAppsBusinessNWYCApps like NWYC Here are some great alternatives to NWYC by National Write Your Congressman : ActiVote: Voting & Politics ★4.0 BillTrack50 ★4.5 Political Science Textbook ★4.8 NFIB Engage ★4.7 The Hill ★3.6 Advantage Poll-Watcher ★3.6 BillBlaster ★3.8 Roll Call News ★3.9 Cast Your Vote ★4.0 ReleVote ★4.4 Congress Pro ★3.2 MOXY - Politics, News & Social ★3.9 LawCraft ★3.5 The Voter App ★5.0 We Vote Ballot Guide, @WeVote ★4.1 SC Legislature ★4.0