HomeAppsProductivityPHostpaidApps like PHostpaid Here are some great alternatives to PHostpaid by Jomar Tigcal : PH Weather & Earthquake For TV ★3.7 Map of Philippines offline ★4.3 Philippines Dating Social App ★3.9 Quickpay ★4.6 Online Shopping Philippines ★4.0 Pure Force Citizens App ★4.5 Starbucks Philippines ★3.9 eGovPH ★3.6 Travel Philippines ★4.4 OwnBank ★3.9 ZAP PH 2.0 - Loyalty Rewards ★3.7 Gilbert Utilities ★4.3 thePAY-All in one Recharge App ★4.8 Weather.ph ★4.1 Pago ★4.6 Papaya: Pay Any Bill ★4.7