PaperSpan - Read It Later
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PaperSpan - Read It Later

by PaperSpan

Save, read & listen to your interesting articles on web, even while offline.

App NamePaperSpan - Read It Later
Download Size14 MB
Latest Version5.2
Average Rating4.45
Rating Count1,352
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Screenshot PaperSpan - Read It Later
Screenshot PaperSpan - Read It Later
Screenshot PaperSpan - Read It Later
Screenshot PaperSpan - Read It Later
Your articles ready for you to read or listen - while you wait, commute, walk, cook, whenever.

No ads, No suggestions – Save articles of your own interest, and app should help finish reading them. Comfortably.

Carefully designed search, sort, and filters to easily pick the article you need.
Choose a category matching your mood. Interested in health articles now? Choose Health. You don't have to assign the category in advance, the app does this for you.
Take up on your pending reads by opening Unread articles alone. Short waiting time? Pick those short articles by reading time.

Save from your desktop, iPhone, iPad, or Android. Read them in a clean and easy to read format for a comfortable and focused reading.

Read, listen, or manage those articles even if your device is offline. App will automatically sync when your device is back online.

Highlight those important phrases as you read. Keep the essence of your reading and refer whenever you need.

Love the Kindle reading experience? Send articles to your Kindle device (or app) and read them at your own pace.

Search & Sort to quickly find an article. Organize with folders. Adjust your reading settings with dark/light theme, fonts, brightness, and more!

Pick articles by your mood at the moment. Your articles already have their category assigned. Choose Health related articles or Science if you are in that learning mood.

Capture the gist out of an article you just read - your summary of lessons learned, thoughts you got out of an article. Keep the record to re-read yourself anytime or share to your notes app.

Listen to articles while you walk, cook, or commute with in-app text to speech. Add them to your playlist and listen uninterrupted.
You don't have to trade your productive time for your web reading.

Get insights into your reading routine. You read rate, daily peak reading time, categories you read, your popular sites and more to help plan and enhance your reading.

PaperSpan is here to support your web reading & productivity – to use the web for better you.

Got something to say? Feel free to drop us a line! We’re always listening to your suggestions to improve PaperSpan!

Recent changes:
Minor improvements and bug fixes.

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