HomeAppsEducationPashto DictionaryApps like Pashto Dictionary Here are some great alternatives to Pashto Dictionary by Maihan Nijat : English To Pashto Dictionary ★4.8 Offline Pashto Dictionary ★4.5 Pashto keyboard - پشتو کیبورد ★4.3 Pashto English Dictionary ★3.9 Urdu to Pashto Dictionary ★4.8 English Pashto Dictionary ★4.6 Learn English in Pashto ★4.1 Smart Pashto keyboard ★4.7 Pashto - English Translator ★4.1 Pashto To English Translator ★3.3 English to Pashto Translator ★4.3 Afghan Flag Pashto Keyboard ★4.2 Pashto Keyboard ★4.4 Pashto English Translator ★4.1 Pashto English Translator ★5.0 Pashto To Urdu Translator ★4.2